Monday, January 25, 2010

The Schmoo Gear

We started out with the noblest of intentions. We registered for only the bare necessities, borrowed from friends, and wherever possible bought our baby goods used in a vain attempt to avoid all the gadgets and gimmickry the baby industry insists you can't live without. Those first few days in the hospital you're thinking to yourself..."this isn't so bad". I feed baby, swaddle him up, put him in the crib and he sleeps...well..."like a baby". Never-mind the nurses who come and steal your baby away to the nursery between feedings, leaving you longer stretches of sleep. Ha.

On our first night home from the hospital, we had a lovely dinner, fed the babe and placed him in the Pack-N-Play (a decided necessity) in order to have him closer.

Schmoo in his Pack-N-Play

This was the first chink in our facade. Our little one appeared to hate the Pack-N-Play...or he could have had gas, a wet diaper, or have still been hungry. In any case, what did soothe the boy was cuddling in the arms of a gracious adult (Mom, Dad, Lola, Tita Annie, or Oma). After a sleepless night with our little Schmoo, we immediately started a search for the perfect device to mimic the feeling of being carried around in our arms (all night). Scott managed to find a Papasan swing on Craig's List and, valiant husband that he is, promptly picked it up within hours. That night we were able to soothe our little one to sleep with the sounds of a babbling brook, chirping birds, and a cuddly, swaying Papasan chair.

Schmoo in the Papasan Swing

Three days later, when the novelty of the swing wore off, Scott and I found ourselves at Target with a huge gift certificate from Scott's wonderfully generous co-workers. I can honestly say that I have never had so little resistance from Scott in buying "stuff" before. To the Baby Whisperer's dismay, within the span of an hour we had convinced ourselves that we needed a vibrating chair to occupy and entertain the babe in the daytime, and a co-sleeper to keep him close and wean him off the swing at night.

Schmoo in the Vibrating Chair

Schmoo in his Co-sleeper

Our facade completely crumbled when, after a week of failed attempts, we conceded that the sling(s) (one a gift and two inherited) that we had deemed a must-have were simply not going to appease the Schmoo. In fact, each and every time he was put into one he managed to straighten his little two week old body stiff as a board and turn a lovely shade of eggplant while screaming at the top of his little lungs. So, with fatigued arms we broke down and purchased a Baby Bjorn.

Schmoo in the Baby Bjorn

The funny thing is, I can honestly say that we still use each and every piece of this furniture...just at different parts of the day or week in order to keep things interesting for our little monkey. Despite our best intentions to avoid buying what we (Scott) had deemed "Baby Crap", there have been many a bleary-eyed time when they preserved our sanity. The Papasan swing still serves as our best offensive play in getting a good night's sleep. The Pack-N-Play currently serves as Schmoo's second nursery in Scott's office, so he can have him close and still be productive. The co-sleeper is doing the trick in helping us wean the Schmoo off his Papasan swing addiction. The vibrating chair allows our Schmoo to join us at the table for meal times, where he coos and gurgles while batting at the toys dangling within reach. And as for the Baby Bjorn...well...we really can't say enough about the value of the Baby Bjorn. It allows us to do laundry, pick-up around the house, cram food into our mouths, and hold the phone while arguing with Insurance companies. The Schmoo loves it, and so do we.

Truth be told, the sound of this little one crying is akin to having some someone rip our hearts out of our chest and hold them ransom outside of our bodies...and there really isn't a thing in the world we wouldn't do to soothe him. The good news is...a year from now there is one lucky newborn who has a ton of "baby crap" coming their way. :)


  1. I saw how you both struggled and anguished over keeping Schmoo happy and comfortable. Acquiring the appropriate piece of furniture became your quintesential search and you managed to find a piece to meet every need. I can't argue with you on getting the accoutrements. One day you will tell your grandchild what you did to keep him/her happy like I did in telling you, Etty, all about your Snuggly. Loving parents and loving child warms my heart.

  2. Ahhh yes! Another unmaterialistic parent bites the proverbial dust! It is as if you had written my own narritive....only double that! After a very generous babyshower, I returned strollers, and play yards, and fences....after all, I only need one of everything and they can take turns, right? Two cribs, a double pack-n-play, two cradles, two swings, two vibrating chairs, two play mats and one jumper later, I write to you with Talieh in my lap, because nothing else will do! I LOVE motherhood! I tell myself, they will definitely have to share a car!

  3. Suzanne - I can only really would need two of everything. So nice to be going through this with you at the same time. We really must catch up soon! Your girls are beautiful! Can't wait to introduce them to the Schmoo!

  4. Hey Scott and Leslie,
    it all sounds soooooo familiar. Before Venya was born I was one of the naive parents-to-be who was thinking that material is not important, that love and a sling is enough...How foolish I was. The sling I kept 3 days and I returned it. It made me almost sick to see the baby all curled up in that thing, I just could not bite that the sling is the best thing for the baby and the attachment period. So I bought a city stroller, then a outdoors stroller, then a car seat, then a bouncer, then a singing bouncer, then a plastic "gym", then a gym made of felt, then another car seat. And toys toys books utensils...There was no ending and there is still no ending. I can only say that our garage/storage is packed from top to bottom and that is because of Venya's "crap"...I try to justify all this to myself saying that they all had their good use BUT did Venya REALLY need them? I don't think so! He is a very lucky little boy. Enjoy every second of this miracle, your miracle! Maria

  5. oh sorry I forgot to mention the potty training period: one potty seat, one baby bjorn toilet trainer, one more toilet trainer that would fit more toilet sizes, toilet seat covers... all had their good use... Do you know of the site One step ahead? you will get hooked and hate me for that!

  6. Maria - I love it. So good to know we are not alone in this! And it makes our head spin to think about all that lays ahead. Tee hee hee. :) Love to you, Agam, and Venya.

    P.S. Think we can convince you to visit Chicago's in winter...we'd can't wait to meet Venya! She is gorgeous.

  7. Leslie - I love reading your writing - very creative and entertaining! Love to you, Schmoo, and Scoot -
