Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Comes Early to the Midwest

The cold weather came early this year, and we've had lows in the 50's all week. We've even had frost overnight, which means that we had to pull in all the lovely tomatoes that remained on the vine. What you see in this picture are the fruits of Scott's hard labor all summer to breed the perfect heirloom tomato.

[View the tomatoes]

The gourds and pumpkins in the photo came from Kuipers Farm, which we visited last weekend for Elliot Kroyer's birthday. Despite the rain, mud, and cold weather, we all enjoyed watching Owen polishing the pumpkins before placing them in the wagon for Elliot to wheel around.

The biggest bump in these photos is our rapidly growing baby boy. He's getting bigger every day and is rapidly filling my belly. His movements have changed from kicks to more of a shuffling movement in my belly. He's even passed the stage of doing benchpresses against my rib cage. I'm guessing that means he's getting too big to fully stretch out his little legs. Over the next few weeks he'll double in weight, but only grow another few inches in length. We just can't wait to meet him.

[View the Schmoodles at 31 Weeks]


  1. Leslie, you are such a beautiful mother...

  2. OMG I am SO excited for you two. No doubt you will be fantastic parents and produce gorgeous children :) feel free to follow the link on my name to my blog of random stuff. LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!
    LYLAS ~hugs~
