Monday, December 14, 2009

Five Days Later

Auggie returned home from the hospital Saturday evening after a rather stress-filled day. (It is a long story that I will likely elaborate further upon later.) Thankfully Oma and Granda prepared the house so it was ready for us when we arrived. Lola prepared a terrific dinner including chicken adobo, a gourmet veggie omelet and organic greens. It was Auggie's first opportunity to smell good food.

Leslie enjoying her new little boy

Oma Trudeau with Auggie

We feel that Auggie has taken a liking to his new home for several reasons: (1) it isn't quite as loud as the hospital and doctors and nurses aren't regularly probing him or administering invasive procedures (e.g., MRI [!]); (2) there are a number of fascinating hairy creatures roaming about; and (3) there are lots of toys. This is not to say that Auggie has not had some fussy periods. He did not sleep very well Saturday evening due to some gastrointestinal discomfort. Leslie and I attempted to calm him, but it was Lola who ultimately was able to ease his crying. On Sunday, we purchased a mechanical swing that he appears to be thoroughly enjoying (thanks Craigslist!). Lola also made some Chinese medicine soup for Leslie on Sunday which also appears to have calmed down the little guy.

Caterpillar provided by Lola

Malkovich checking out his new bro

It's hard to believe that Auggie is already five days old. We look forward to your meeting him! Check out the following slideshow for more recent images.

Performative dance and/or first attempt at the sky hook


  1. My heart is bursting!! That is the most beautiful momma and baby photo ever!! (Doesn't hurt the it's the most beautiful momma and baby ever...) And that last photo -- how darling! He is so perfect! My heart aches to meet him.

  2. Leslie - what a perfect moment captured of you and Auggie! Truly blissful! Many congratulations and warm blessings for you and all!

  3. Dear Langston,

    You are the most amazingly beautiful baby I have ever seen. You are perfection personified. Your cousin Kristin is very happy that you enjoy dance and she is anxious to teach you how to crunk. Kyle is extatic that you are wearing colors that represent the Pistons team. Korey loves your swing and is anxious to modify it with an xbox controller so that you two can "hang" out in comfort and play a few games together. Uncle Chris and I think you hold the key to a better world and we just can't wait to hold you in our arms. You truly are the shining light in our lives and we all love you more than you can imagine.

  4. Dear Scott and Leslie,
    We are so very proud of you. You have given us the gift of hope and wonderment. We have been waiting so long for you two to bestow this gift upon us, but the wait was worth it. You guys are going to be the best parents ever. We love you with all our hearts and love hearing from you. Every time we talk to you it makes my heart sing. We all love you and can't wait to come see all of you including the furry creatures we have come to know and love already.

  5. oh I love the photos :) what a wonderful Christmas present! hey Auggie will be a vivacious Sagittarius like his mama :) love you all!

  6. Hi Scott,
    Auggie is truly beautiful. My warmest wishes to you for a healthy, happy, full of excitement and joy life with your little boy. He is a very lucky child to have so much love around him.

  7. oh I forgot to mention that I love the caterpillar!!
